La Salette Vidya Nikethan provides good facilities for students and staffs which are helpful to students to improve their qualities. School facilities consist of not only in the physical manner but also we take care of some other facilities that are very essential for students. We try to improve the calibre of students through our facilities. So we provide good environment, through our better maintainability of school building and its atmosphere. Physical environment of this school is very comfortable and safe to students. So that, all our students are happy with this school.
Our teaching environment is very good because all teaching staffs are well trained. The teachers are helpful students to improve their abilities and solve their problems very effectively and efficiently. La Salette Vidya Nikethan arranges quality school buses for safe and secured transportation of students.
We provide school buses for safe transportation of students. Our school buses are in perfect condition and well maintained.
We have appointed the teaching staffs only after testing of their teaching skills and qualifications of the candidates. Also we provide better training to staffs for improving their skills. So our staff is a great help to students for achieving their goals and improving their skills.
La Salette Vidya Nikethan provides smart class room facilities and advanced technologies to all our students for improving their skills. Smart class rooms help students for improving their concentration. The regular use of smart class rooms help students to update present knowledge.
The green location of the school in green environment provides a very calm and tranquil atmosphere for the students to learn. The school environment enables the learners to use their talents very confidently and appropriately in verity of situations.
The school La Salette Vidya Nikethan, has come into being with a pure thought of providing quality education to the rural students, So the motto of the school “To Have Fullness of Life” suits each and every pupil.
Our computer labs and science labs are well maintained. We provide most trending technologies and equipments in science lab.
Our network systems are more secure and fast. We use good software for teaching purpose.
Our library is a huge collection of reference books and reading materials. We also provide the e-reference for further elaboration of knowledge. The library settings provide a cosy atmosphere for study and research. The library is equipped with more than five thousand reference books including Encyclopaedias and Wikipedia. Daily Journals are provided.